The U.S. Theatre Actor Pay Project
How much does the culture industry pay for your labor, and can you live on it?
See (and search) the work in progress Submit info using the form Submit info via email
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[ ONE-ON-ONE TRAINING: “The Performer's Coach” ]
- Learn from a real working professional, at a rate that won't hurt your wallet! -
We also offer self-tape and musical services, including transposing music, advising on audition cuts, transcribing and arranging, and accompaniment. Let us help you book it!
Our coaches have decades of real experience under their belts. Contact us for more information. Flexible rates and scheduling, in your home or at an easily accessible studio in NYC.
Ready to Go Rogue? (or just have a question?) Start the conversation.
Upcoming workshops will be announced via social media.
- Have a group workshop idea? Let us know! -
Currently, all training is offered in New York City or online. Looking for in-person training where you are? Send us a note and we'll try to hook you up!
© Rogue Pedagogy LLC